Thomas O’Brien’s name will finally be added to the FDNY’s memorial wall in downtown Brooklyn. He died a day after fighting a Chelsea fire in 1935.
Thursday, April 26, 2018, 12:50 AM
By Andrew Keshner & John Annese
The city is poised to right a generations-old wrong — by acknowledging the sacrifice of a firefighter who died from on-the-job injuries in a Chelsea blaze more than 80 years ago.
Firefighter Thomas O’Brien’s name will be added to the FDNY’s memorial wall in downtown Brooklyn, according to a spokesman for the city’s law department.
O’Brien’s family sued the city in October, demanding the FDNY recognize his death as job-related.
O’Brien, 48, responded to a two-alarm fire at a paint store on W. 26th St. on Oct. 27, 1935. He returned to the Engine Co. 3 firehouse, said he felt faint and went to sleep at the order of his supervisor.
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