
KINGSPORT, TN (WJHL-TV) – There is a very unique and special event coming up this Sunday to honor and remember those first responders who died in the 9-11 attacks.
In remembrance of the 15th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks, members of the public will join area first responders to climb the stairs of the Holston Valley Medical Center parking garage.
The 2016 Tri-Cities 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb is a way to honor and remember the FDNY firefighters who selflessly gave their lives so that others might live on 9-11-2001. Each participant pays tribute to an FDNY firefighter by climbing the equivalent of the 110 stories of the World Trade Center.
“This is the 15th year since 9-11, so there is some special significance with our event and it’s bigger than ever before. We’re hoping for a great turn out as well as spectators can even come and watch the firemen and first responders climb.”, Kingsport Firefighter Andrew Catron said.
Each climber will have an ID tag with the photograph and picture of a first responded that died on 9-11.
“It brings a personal meaning behind it that they can relate to and they can do that climb for that person and then research them afterwards and learn who that person was.”, Catron said, “Everybody will get an ID tag of one of the fallen firefighters or police officers and they’ll carry that to complete the climb for them.”
This event has grown tremendously since the first year when around 20 firefighters just decided to do it. This year there will be teams from all across the region.
“The first couple of years, we had mostly firemen, but this year we have teams of nurses, several teams from Holston Valley Hospital, Indian Path, regular citizens are singing up and climbing, so we have a wide variety of people.”, Catron said.
The Tri-Cities 9/11 Memorial Stair Climb benefits the FDNY Counseling Services Unit and the programs provided by the NFFF to support the families of our nation’s fallen firefighters. The fee us $25 per person and you can register online thru Tuesday and also from 7-9 am the day of the event. Spectators are encouraged to come and cheer the climbers on.
“Following opening ceremonies, we’ll climb 110 floors. We’ll come to the 9th floor, multiple times to equal 110 floors, which was the height of the World Trade Center.”, Catron said, “We’ll have a stage set up and a back drop and we’ll actually have an area for the spectators to sit and after the climbers are finished, they’ll actually ring the bell and announce the name of the climber there in front of the spectator area.”
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