
FDNY Welcomes New Probationary Firefighters

NY 1 – November 19, 2014

The FDNY welcomed 280 new firefighters into the ranks Tuesday.

The new class of “probies,” or probationary firefighters, graduated from the Training Academy at a ceremony in Brooklyn.

The FDNY says 15 percent of this class is black and another 20 is Hispanic.

It also includes four women, bringing the total number of female firefighters to 44—a new department record.

“You’re a class that represents every neighborhood in the city, every area of the metropolitan area, every background, you represent all the greatness of New York City. You bring everything this city has to the equation,” the mayor said.

“Looking out at the faces of our probies, I can see the same mixture of trepidation and excitement that has adorned the face of every New York City firefighter that has come before them,” said Fire Commissioner Daniel Nigro.

The mayor also notes that 51 of the new firefighters are veterans of the armed services.

At least one probie is a fifth generation member of the FDNY.

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